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1:43pm 05-17-2019
Tom Pavlik

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Writers in the Christian Bible, Lao Tzu in the Tao, and contemporary philosophers alike have discussed the idea to let go of what one has focused on once it is finished. Forget about it. What an exciting tomorrow it is if one is moving on to new things and letting go of what once seemed important.

It is dawning on me that my frustration over forgetting and not experiencing an abiding state is contrary to such a journey. I have written numerous times here that I forget the "wholeness" of my experience and that I won't consider myself a butterfly until such an understanding it abiding.

But as right as it may sound to say that I have glimpsed an understanding today and that I wish for it to abide; today's understanding of wholeness may always miss the mark compared to tomorrow's understanding. So then of what use is it to remember it? Thankfully, my limited vision for what is an exciting path is not in my control. Thankfully my desire to have a "STOP" button in my hand, to freeze my experience so that I can abide in a specific state is denied to me over and over. If it had been within my power to realize my limited vision of what it is to be a butterfly then long ago I'd have frozen into a state that I now look upon as no longer of interest.

Thankfully I forget, so that I can move on to new understandings. This forgetting is a gift from the I squared.

The ten commandments of the Christian bible forbid idol worship. As I see it, any time I am attached to an idea, then I have created an idol of sorts. If I wish to abide in a specific state, then I wish to abide in something that I have created through my limited understanding. It becomes as hard then as concrete and something that I must maintain, lest if fall to pieces as all idols do. I have complained over and over here that my idols were falling to pieces time and time again.

It is incredibly fun to have been shown this.
Replied on: 2:57pm 05-17-2019

Dear Tom,

The "I squared." !!! I like that!

I also like your reminder not to make an idol out of my Butterfly Model either.

11:36pm 05-16-2019

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excuse me sir but I think the argument you made against compassion in your book was totally not understanding of what compassion is, I hope you've "grown" since then, what's your current take on compassion?
Replied on: 10:52am 05-17-2019

Dear John,

No, I guess I haven't "grown" since then, since my take on compassion is the same today as when I wrote the book.

5:36pm 05-16-2019

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Hi again Stephen,

Sorry to be a pain but going back to nocebo's and especially HIV. One of my closest friends was diagnosed with HIV about 30 yrs ago. He went from being well to being very poorly in no time at all, he lost so much weight, vomiting every day, severe liver problems complete alopecia and various other problems. I guessed at the time the alopecia was obviously the shock of his diagnosis and having read what you say about nocebo's it makes sense that it was his belief that made him so ill. His HIV Dr always said he was a confusion to modern medicine as his T count was always very good although other counts were far from good, he also said as ill as my friend was he didn't understand how he was still alive. Unfortunately when I moved away I lost touch with him but a couple of years ago he was still very ill but also going strong. He always said he refused to let that disease shorten his life and kill him yet. While I think his belief he was dying made him as ill as he was, I also believe his refusal to die kept him alive, that and the fact his Infinite I isn't ready for him to exit the game yet.
I remember suggesting to him that maybe knowing he had HIV was making him so ill rather than the actual virus being responsible. I suppose I was thinking along the lines of psychosomatic, whatever I was thinking it didn't go down well and he didn't speak to me for a few weeks, we made up after I apologised and I never mentioned it again.
I'm sorry I have gone off point and I'm waffling again but I hope you can find my actual point ha ha.

Replied on: 10:58pm 05-16-2019

Dear Nicola,

No, I can't find your actual point. I have no idea whether you're asking a question or making a statement or arguing one side or another. It just sounds to me like your ego has found something it can occupy your mind with (instead of doing "the work" and letting it go) to save itself from extinction.

So whatever point you think you are trying to make, forget it. Let it go. Don't let your ego keep distracting you. Whatever answer you think you are seeking and need so much doesn't matter anyway

9:45am 05-13-2019

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Lincoln, England.
Dear Stephen,
Thank you very much for your prompt reply. That makes perfect sense, thank you. I don't know why out of everything that's what my brain kept going back to or not getting it, it seems obvious reading your reply.
Re my comment "everything in our lives/stories is due to our Infinite I and nothing we do has an effect, unless that's part of what our Infinite I wants" that wasn't really what I meant or have got from your book, as I said I knew what I wanted to say but for some reason just could not word it right and ended up giving a totally different impression of what I think. I am not at all sure why my communication skills seemed to abandon me but I definitely gave a wrong representation of myself, my thoughts on and understanding of your book.
Thank you again,
Replied on: 11:05am 05-13-2019

Dear Nicola,

I understand. I still have trouble sometimes verbalizing some of this theory, which is why the more important thing is actually applying the Model in your own life and doing "the work." And it was clear to me from your comment that you are doing just that. So just keep it up!

6:31pm 05-12-2019
Nicola Bishop

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Lincolnshire, England
I'm sorry if this is the wrong place to make this comment but I've not been able to find you anywhere else.
This is my 2nd time reading your book, it changed my life and beliefs if that's what you would call them but there were a few bits I obviously didn't get, maybe I wasn't fully ready at the time? Anyway I'm reading it again and I can't believe the difference, I'm picking up or understanding things differently this time and finding it even more transformational than the last time. Last time for some reason I could not get my head around spiritual autolysis but reading it now I don't understand how I didn't understand it last time.
My querie is to do with sunscreen and HIV. If everything in our lives/stories is due to our Infinite I and nothing we do has an effect, unless that's part of what our Infinite I wants then how can sunscreen cause cancer? Surely if our Infinite I wants us to experience cancer we will get it with or without sunscreen? The same re HIV and AIDS? If that's the case why have you given them the amount of space and explanations about whether they do or do not cause cancer/AIDS?
I'm sorry for not having worded this very well, I know what I mean but I just don't seem to be able to put it into words. I hope you don't mind me asking it's just if you still think they are true enough to warrant the amount of detail etc that you go into u don't understand how you can say and believe some of the other things you say, which all make sense to me. I am obviously missing something and I can't see what. I hope you understand what I mean and don't take it the wrong way, I had to ask as it is confusing me and no matter what I try my brain won't let go of it.
Thank you for taking the time to read and hopefully answer me, you can email me if that's easier?
Also thank you for writing this book most of it makes so much sense and seems obvious, the rest makes sense after reading, thinking and following your advice. Your book has been more help to me than any other I've read and quite a bit of it are things I have thought or believed already.

Many thanks


I'm sorry to ask or comment on this but I can't find you on social media or anywhere to ask.
Replied on: 9:36pm 05-12-2019

Dear Nicola,

It's very true that "if our Infinite I wants us to experience cancer we will get it with or without sunscreen." But what if our Infinite I, instead, wants us to realize the effect our beliefs have on our reality? So, for example, our Infinite I presents us with an experience where we are told we have tested Positive for HIV. Even though HIV is a harmless retrovirus that cannot be the cause of AIDS (a nocebo), we believe what the mass media has told us all these years - that we will get AIDS and die. This is NOT what your Infinite I wants. What it wants is for us to question the beliefs we have about HIV and realize that we can let go of those beliefs and experience a totally different reality.

Yes, the time I spent on sunscreen and HIV was necessary to make the point that our beliefs (with no actual basis in fact) have a profound effect on the reality we perceive, and therefore it behooves us to spend as much time and effort as necessary to question our beliefs - even the most fundamental ones.

And I need to point out that your opening statement ("everything in our lives/stories is due to our Infinite I and nothing we do has an effect, unless that's part of what our Infinite I wants") is not an accurate reflection of the model I offer in my book, and if that's your belief of what I said, you might want to do Spiritual Autolysis on it.

So while it's true that if our Infinite I wants us to experience something, we will, regardless of our beliefs. But it is also true that our beliefs can make it seem like our Infinite I wants us to experience something, but in fact our Infinite I does NOT want us to experience that. Instead it wants us to realize that experiencing that is the result of our beliefs and not its creation, in order to process and let go of those beliefs.

I hope this clears things up for you.

12:21pm 05-04-2019

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Dear Stephen, I know about the brain and the eyes as projection. It was shown me in a vision how its done. The Field does it. The Field is in You; it's you. (Thus the burning bush that was not consume) Your body came with a script and only that script is your part in the Movie of life. Its ironic, I wrote exactly about it in a book I'm writing call "The World Above". The Field led me to your book about butterflies because it would confirm what I saw in the Vision. I have awakened in a sleeping giant who is the producer and also the actors in Maya. Unlike others, I've always knew who I was since young, buy descaling the eyes was long and necessary. Thanks for butterflies, because I couldn't believe such magnitude of info giving in such a short vision accumulated from science research, over centuries, the World over...
Replied on: 4:08pm 05-04-2019

Dear OG,

Always nice to have someone else's vision support The Model. Look forward to your book.

11:37pm 04-30-2019

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Yes a lot was actually broken in the accident, some of it physically irreparable and some of it metaphysical or spiritual, and testable, all of it completely as it should be. In the past I would’ve stopped the behavior (even if I enjoyed it) simply because it resulted in pain and embarrassment. Being mindful of my judgments this time...like doing spiritual autolysis on what was true about various aspects I judged (stuff like my riding abilities, the riskiness of motorcycling versus other modes of transportation, the desolate road I was on and the appearance in my hologram of the only car for miles right at that specific time). In the past I would be inundated by all of my various assumptions, and usually be laid up for weeks feeling depressed and bitter. This time I got right back on the next motorcycle I had access to (a beat up one that is my back-up scoot) with no worries about the outcome. I used to immediately start judging the experience with the result of missing all of its gifts. My past instinct was to ascribe blame and enter into a mental state of labeling the incident as all bad. I would say stuff like WELL...WHATEVER DOESN’T KILL ME WILL ONLY MAKE ME STRONGER, with no real internalization of what I meant by that. This time however, I paid closer attention to my feelings and kept probing what was actually true about them...other amazing things besides my discernment of the situation, seemed to manifest as well. It has been amazing! I even noticed something I didn’t mention in the previous comment (probably from fear of ridicule) what happened right as I was sailing over the roof of the car: I had a momentary glimpse of the entire situation from another perspective outside of my physical body. I actually saw myself stumbling around in the road from somewhere above the incident...it was literally A TRIP!
Replied on: 11:03am 05-01-2019

Dear Ken,

Now THAT'S what I'm talking about. Thank you VERY much for sharing that story with me (us). It is the perfect example of the results that are possible with this model - even including the out-of-body perspective. No ridicule from this quarter. Just admiration and gratitude.

1:36pm 04-15-2019
Tom Pavlik

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Sometimes this is about not getting thrown clear in the accident, or hitting just right. Sometimes it is about getting hit pretty solidly and ending up with a lot of things broken.

There can be joy after this process even if the injuries are more or less permanent. In fact there can be greater joy and greater freedom in such a new circumstance compared to a state that might be associated with physical wholeness.

From personal experience I can say that the beauty of death can be made apparent through such a journey. I don't mean that from the perspective of death being some sort of a release from suffering. What I mean is that a brush with death was a cool breeze when I was choking on the heat.

I was spending so much of my energy on self preservation. A brush with death showed me how powerless I am to preserve anything. In contemplation of this I found myself awaking and really realizing that I've been sent on a mission that I will not return from and moreover, that it has always been that way. What could be more enticing for an adventure junkie like me?

To really, fully understand the implications of being on a mission in which I have not control and my death is certain is an incredible experience; far more enjoyable than I imagine it could be if I received notice from the bank that my mortgage was paid off.

This is the essence of butterflyhood as it has expressed itself through my experience.

Yet this understanding can be fleeting and that has caused me great stress. I forget the "wholeness" of my experience and start to falsely recall that there are problems. And so I am writing here today to celebrate how exciting it is to have been picked for this mission. Perhaps such celebration can become routine and through routine perhaps there can come that abiding peace that I have only seen in bits and pieces. Until I am riding a steady wave to me it will mean that I am not yet a butterfly.
Replied on: 8:19pm 04-15-2019

Dear Tom,

Such a good point.... perhaps one of the most important things - and also one of the most overlooked - is expressing appreciation to your Infinite I for the experiences it has/is giving you, even if those experiences might not bring such joy at the moment. And you're also right that when that celebration becomes routine, so does the peace of mind.

3:51pm 03-28-2019

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Glad to see the site and the comment section back up. I bought the physical book a while back but tend to refer to the site and videos more often. Thanks for all this...like you alluded to in the beginning chapters, this is information that can’t be unlearned (paraphrasing of course). Not sure if you’ve heard of this one though: being neutral these days has brought on a new phenomena in my life...my body heals faster. I recently got into a head on collision with a car while on my motorcycle, banged up pretty good, but even at my ripe old age, it’s been just a few weeks and I’m dang near recovered! Maybe the thought of me healing quicker is a judgment? Or maybe I noticed all of my assumptions about the wreck or the probability of one, this time around? It was like I could see where I would have normally spliced in a bunch of judgmental expectations of the outcome, but instead stayed accepting and neutral of whatever developed. Probably was hit just right to where the 514 pound motorcycle took most of the energy and it seemed worse than it really was (especially as I sailed over the car roof, that was a trip!) Something definitely changed, not sure what but i will take it either way...
Replied on: 4:57pm 03-28-2019

Dear Ken,

Sounds like your Infinite I gave you some interesting gifts for you to see just how different life is according to this model. Also sounds like you let go of some expectations of how you SHOULD feel and heal after something like that, so your healing experience could be different as well.

Well done!

10:18am 03-28-2019
Randall C Scott

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Gold River
I have tried to protect myself against men, to react against their madness, to discern its source; I have listened and I have seen—and I have been afraid—afraid of acting for the same motives or for any motive whatever, of believing in the same ghosts or in any other ghost, of letting myself be engulfed by die same intoxications or by some other . . . afraid, in short, of raving in common and of expiring in a horde of ecstasies. I knew that by separating from someone, I was dispossessed of a fallacy, I was deprived of the illusion I was loving him . . . His feverish words revealed him the captive of an evidence absolute for him and absurd for me; on contact with his vacuity, I stripped myself of mine. . . . Whom can we adhere to without the feeling of deception—without blushing? We can justify only the man who practices, in full awareness the irrational necessary to every action, and who embellishes with no dream the fiction to which he surrenders himself, as we can admire only a hero who dies without conviction, all the more ready for sacrifice in that he has seen through it. As for lovers, they would be hateful if among their grimaces the presentiment of death did not hover, caressing. . . . It is disturbing to think that we carry our secret—our illusion—into the grave, that we have not survived the mysterious mistake that vivified our every breath, that, except for the skeptics and whores among us, all founder in falsehood because they fail to divine the equivalence, in nullity, of triumphs and truths.

I wanted to suppress in myself the reasons men invoke in order to exist, in order to act. I wanted to become unspeakably normal—and here I am in dazed confusion, on a footing with fools, and as empty as they.
Replied on: 11:55am 03-28-2019

Dear Randall,

Very poetic! I hope it is part of a bigger book you're writing!

2:09pm 03-27-2019
Randall Scott

Location (State or Country)

Gold River
Is not nothingness the equal of eternity? The solitary being has no need to declare war on the universe—he sends the ultimatum to himself. He no longer aspires to be forever, if in an incomparable action he has been absolutely himself. He rejects heaven and earth as he rejects himself. At least he will have achieved a plenitude of freedom inaccessible to the man who keeps looking for it in the future. . . .
Replied on: 3:56pm 03-27-2019

You guys really get this, don't you?!

5:32pm 03-26-2019
Tom Pavlik

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I think a key element toward emergence from my chrysalis has to do with letting go of planning. That can be tough. For example, I'm working on the house that has been provided to me by my infinite I. I'm replacing the whole foundation at the middle section of the house and I've got three or four other projects of significant magnitude going.

or do I?

Maybe tomorrow something completely new will happen in my life and it will change things so that I'm redirected 180 degrees. When I think of all the time that I've spent planning and then recount the number of times those plans were realized in the form that I thought they would be-the tally comes out to pretty much zero. All that time can be spent experiencing rather than expecting. Furthermore, the expectation can lead to a lot of suffering. The society though teaches the lesson 24-7 that one should plan and it is so ingrained that planning takes on the importance of something like breathing.

For me planning is a form of security. Security is a type of savings plan that is advocated by the society, a type of insurance. I like what Jesus had to say about such savings and insurance in the King James version

"Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it."

I'm realizing that showing up without a plan is integral to this process and it is probably true that all plans get in the way.

Stephen, I am curious about the origin of the cocoon in your writings and presentations. On Youtube I have heard Jed McKenna use the word "Kojito" and I think that means caccoon in Japanese, but I can't understand what he's referring to. Is this something you and other writers such as Jed have overlapping development going on? I'd love to hear more about it
Replied on: 6:45pm 03-26-2019

Dear Tom,

Don't know about "Kojito" and cocoon. Couldn't find Kojito in Japanese. Not sure about other writers, either. I just thought the metaphor was appropriate and went with it.

Couldn't agree more... "showing up without a plan is integral to this process and it is probably true that all plans get in the way." Easy to say, a little more difficult to live.

2:50pm 03-19-2019

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Stephen I am curious.  How difficult was putting the model to the test for you *really*? I am sure it all will have to depend on our different circumstances.  Our beliefs, opinions,  fears, and how we judge... but I am just in awe at my ego to be completely honest.  I really thought I was in many ways a completely different person!  I am still shocked at my reactions.  I am still forgetting what 'I know'...  my Infinite I very well has enjoyed how limiting my terrible memory can be--- not cool II, not cool.  I am experiencing very high highs and extremely low lows.  Nothing has changed.  Only I do.  At times it feels as if I am a different person each day all while being 'stuck' on a 'Groundhogs Day' - ish movie. I catch myself looking for spirituality and signs and then frustration looms above my head.  Strangers seem nicer.  Television is much more fake than ever.  Terrible drivers appear on the rise though ;)
Replied on: 9:13pm 03-19-2019

Dear Angie,

Terrible drivers ARE on the rise! And television has always been fake.

How difficult for me? I struggled with a lot of things, one major one being an expectation of what it would be like as as butterfly. Didn't turn out that way. But the good thing is that I'm really fine with how it DID turn out.

One of your sentences caught my eye: "I catch myself looking for spirituality and signs and then frustration looms above my head." It sounds like you need to define what "spirituality" means for you (in other words, what belief system you have about it) and then do Spiritual Autolysis on that. If things aren't changing, then you're not doing spiritual autolysis enough.

So be honest back - are you really doing the work, writing it down, etc.?

3:36am 03-18-2019

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please, give me reference or sources of these so called physicists talking about "out there, out there" being not so real and their proof of it
Replied on: 8:42am 03-18-2019

Dear Fallen,

All the sources are in my book and in my videos. Do your own homework. And try Spiritual Autolysis ("Is that true?") on the question of "Is there anything 'out there.'" (I bet you won't. Too lazy accepting what other people tell you.)

7:30pm 03-15-2019
Tom Pavlik

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Stephen I've been wanting to ask you about how your understanding of the relationship between the player and the Infinite I affects what you wrote in the Aids trial book. I haven't read the book but I have wondered how the concept that HIV does not cause AIDS fits in with your understanding of how this place operates (or maybe how it does not operate).

If I were to ask you whether a high fat diet leads to obesity, I would not be surprised if you replied that it did not. I think you might say that whether one becomes obese may or may not be a function of their choices and maybe only to the extent that the Infinite I found their response to being obese interesting so it continued to provide that experience. But otherwise I think you would say that a person can't become slim by dieting but rather the Infinite I would provide the experience of being slim or not.

It doesn't seem relevant to say that HIV does or does not cause AIDS. Do you think that maybe in someone else's hologram that HIV does cause AIDS? If not then I would imagine that your best guess is that HIV not causing AIDS may be part of the template of earth and that it is generally not changing from one person's perception to the next person's.

In one or the other (or maybe both) of the Holographic Universe series and BAF, you provide sections discussing belief filters. Maybe these come into play.
Replied on: 7:47pm 03-15-2019

Dear Tom,

What I was trying to show people was that their belief that HIV causes AIDS was not supported by the scientific evidence - despite what they are/were being told by the media - hoping they might let go of that belief - and the fear that comes with it.

However, since an Infinite I is not bound by the "law" of cause and effect, it could easily have one of its players develop AIDS from HIV. No doubt.

The same can be said about a high-fat diet leading to obesity. It is simply not scientifically true. Like HIV and AIDS, one man - in this case Ancel Keys - convinced everyone that saturated fats and cholesterol were demons, and we've been following his lies ever since. I am on a high-fat diet and have lost 15 pounds in the last month.

To me these are two wonderful examples how our beliefs can create fear in us, and how important it is for us as players to clean up our beliefs by doing the work and the research. "Is that true?"

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